

Foster families are lifelines for our dogs. 

Since Cunucu Dog Rescue does not have a brick and mortar shelter, we depend heavily on our network of incredible foster families to care for our pups prior to adoption. We pride ourselves on taking great care of our foster community, offering each foster family extensive training, providing necessary supplies (e.g., crate, collar, leash, toys, etc.), and remaining available virtually 24/7 for any questions or concerns you might have. As a foster, you will have access to our expert medical team, should any medical-related inquiries arise. You will also be invited to participate in our Cunucu Friends Facebook group, which serves as an incredible resource.

Frequently asked Questions

  1. For how long will I need to foster? It’s virtually impossible to quantify how long someone will foster, since it is entirely contingent upon when your foster dog is adopted. We ask our fosters to be prepared to have a puppy for at least four weeks, and often longer.

  2. What supplies will I get? CDR provides each foster with a suitable crate, collar, leash, blanket, chew toy, and coat (if needed).

  3. What supplies will I have to buy? We ask that our fosters purchase food for their pups and cover any dog-walking fees.

  4. What happens if my dog has to go to the vet? If your foster dog needs medical attention, please reach out to CDR immediately. Someone from our team will schedule an appointment for you at our local vet and our rescue will cover all medical costs.

  5. Will my foster pup be able to go outside? Many of our pups are young and not fully immunized, which means they are more vulnerable to disease. However, it is important to expose young puppies to the sights and sounds of their new environment, to practice walking on leash, and to get started with potty training right away. With that in mind, you will be able to bring your foster outside, but we ask you remain hyper-vigilant, do not permit any hellos with other dogs, and keep walks short and concentrated.

  6. Will my foster sleep through the night? We wish that the answer to the this would be a resounding yes; however, each puppy is different, and night time sleep varies based on age and training. The younger the puppy is, the more likely he or she will need a middle of the night potty break. As dogs near 12 weeks, they are typically able to hold it overnight, especially if water is taken away early in the evening (around 6 PM) and they are given the chance to go to the bathroom right before bed.